Christmas craft ideas to do at home

Christmas themed craft ideas

Here on the farm, we always try an use up what’s around us to make Christmas decorations! This year we had some left over Willow from a basket making workshop & some sticks/twigs surplus to the living hedge we’d made.

Download an A4 illustration of the steps in the YouTube video

  • A 5 point woven twig star: Make a simple but effective handmade stick stars. We modified this YouTube willow tutorial and used

    • x10 equal length twigs (make sure they’re dry-ish/stiff, but not brittle or rotten.

    • Some twine or you could use brown string or in the photos we used a vine-like long climbing-plant stem (but this is more difficult).

  • 8 point Swedish Star: This is a more complicated & may test the brain :-). Best made with Willow or BBQ skewers, something that won’t snap. Here is the YouTube video tutorial we used to make ours you can see in the picture.


Let us help you get into the Christmas spirit

Wreath making workshops at Joy Farms.

Best of all, something for you and let us & our expert tutor guide you on our very popular annual wreath making workshops - Explore dates & what’s included.


Christmas themed craft ideas for children

If you want to inspire or occupy children this Christmas. We’ve found some great sustainable Christmas themed craft ideas from Forestry England

7 Christmas family activity sheets for the family, relax and get in a festive spirit. From making the perfect decorations to spruce up your spruce, to getting arty with leaves collected from the forest floor, nothing says Christmas more than getting crafty with some festive forest fun!

  • Decorate festive pine cones: create a mini Christmas tree, or paint a pine cone robin to get in the festive spirit.

  • A twig star: Make a simple but effective handmade stick star.

  • A simple Natural wreath: Go foraging with your children and create them into a 2D Christmas wreath for the fridge.

  • Natural garland for your mantle piece: A festive garland made from natural materials.

  • Fun Christmas crackers: get creative and make your own crackers to put on the table this Christmas

Further reading:

Experience day gift vouchers are available for craft workshops on our farm in Surrey.


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