What is wood carving?

About wood carving

Wood carving is an ancient craft dating back thousands of years. There is recorded use in Ancient Egypt a thousand years before Christ. In Britain perhaps the earliest record use is from 250BC when the celts of Britain used them for cooking. This was evidenced by a small ladle archaeologists discovered at the Glastonbury lake Village. ( Source Wikipedia )

Greenwood carving is a craft using wood that has been recently cut down, the wood is wet and easier to carve. Silver Birch is one of our favourite as it is smooth like butter to carve but we also use willow, cherry, apple, walnut but use what wood available and is never harvested or cut down for our use. It is from trees taken down in gardens, or dead or dying trees also usually from gardens. We use a variety of tools to carve including axes and carving knives. [See examples of the tools below or on the About us page]

Other than being creative and making something you can use, carving wood and making things can be very mindful and relaxing. You need to be focused (so you dont cut yourself!) which helps us forget about the other things going on in our lives. So in a way it can be meditative - it could be this attraction is why many do craft - locked away in a garden shed or on a dining room table away from the day to day life brings.

Benefits of wood carving for the body, mind and spirit

Forget about the day to days trials of life as you immerse yourself in carving your own spoon. While it may not be a perfect spoon, that's what makes it so unique to you. But as always it's not about the destination (or the end result in this case) it's the journey. Crafting is mindfulness, is meditation, is creative, is relaxing and often gives you an end product with more value than a cheap item bought made in some far flung country. You made this and can relish in the achievement. Everytime you use it it reminds you of the time you made it. That's my spoon.


Mark’s account of his day spoon carving


Greenwood and spoon carving books